Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween Twitter Chat

To give everybody the opportunity to go trick or treatin'  we didn't have to attend our Social Media Class yesterday, but participated in a Twitter Chat instead!

I don't like Twitter that much, cause it is really unstructured and it confuses me. And during the chat I was also quite confused a few times. I sometimes had to switch between the #smclass2012 results and the Interactions because I could not see if I was mentioned. Or probably I was just too stupid to use it...
But apart from that I really enjoyed the chat. It was very interesting to hear my classmates' opinions and to watch how the conversation developed. Several sub-conversations began to emerge quickly and some of them went on even after the chat was officially over. I was surprised of how time flew by - 45 minutes felt like 10! It was definitely a great way to exchange ideas and opinions!

Oh, and Happy belated Halloween everyone!


  1. I agree with you! I couldn't see to when I was mentioned!

  2. seems like everyone has the same problem with Twitter

  3. "45 minutes felt like 10" -> I agree!
